Choosing a saddle remains a complex process even for experienced cyclists!

Comfort during long rides begins with two key concepts : 

  1. Choosing the right saddle
  2. Having the saddle at the right spot


Here are 5 steps to help you get started on your journey to finding the right saddle for you!

Step #1 - Measure the width of your sit bones

Take into account your anatomy to help you find the right saddle. Your hip and sit bone structure is the foundation of your riding position. By knowing precisely which size is needed, you will inevitably find the one.

Step #2 - Choose 1 to 2 models that match the width of your sit bones

There are a lot of models on the market today. It is hard to predict which one will work best. We suggest avoiding trendy and popular products. Choose different types, long, round, flat, cutout, etc.Check out our wide variety of saddles for all needs and budgets!

Step #3 - Try different saddles!

It can take up to 10 rides or 300km to fully adapt to a new saddle. However, you should know within the first few seconds if you’ve got a match or not.

Step #4 - Make sure your bike fit is adequate

Your saddle height, fore/aft and angle should be optimised before making up your mind. 

Make sure not to neglect your bike fit by watching Physiovélo's video!

Step #5 - Choose your favorite saddle

Tip: With Primeau Vélo, you have a 60-day return policy!

WARNING: Vérifiez bien la forme des rails de votre selle.  Les rails en carbone sont généralement de forme ovale et celles en alliage rondes. On ne peut pas nécessairement mettre toutes les selles sur toutes les tiges de selle!


Le choix d’une selle demeure un processus complexe même pour des cyclistes d’expérience. N’hésitez pas à consulter un professionnel du positionnement de votre région pour vous aider dans vos démarches. Apprenez-en davantage sur le choix d'une celle en visionnant la vidéo éducative de Physiovélo ou en consultant leurs articles de blogue!

Pour prendre rendez-vous dans la clinique de positionnement Physiovélo, rendez-vous ici! Visionnez toutes les capsules éducatives sur le positionnement cycliste sur la chaîne Youtube Physiovélo.