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Kids Balance Bikes

The balance bike, also known as a strider bike, is a 12" bike without pedals or training wheels that uses the child's legs for propulsion. It's the best option for a child's first experience with a bike, as kids tend to grasp the concept of balance more quickly. The balance bike teaches balance skills early on, which can even eliminate the need for training wheels on the next bike. In fact, training wheels are not a mandatory step once you've mastered balance. We highly recommend the balance bike as a first bike for kids since it offers only advantages! Explore the models of balance bikes from the most popular brands in the industry.

How to Choose the Right Balance Bike for Your Child

Around the age of 2 or 3 years old, little ones make their entrance into the exciting world of biking. The balance bike, also known as a strider bike or walker bike, is the perfect first bike for introducing your child to the concept of balance on a bicycle.

How to choose the right balance bike? It's simple. When comfortably seated on the saddle, the child's feet should touch the ground flatly. Additionally, the child should be able to turn the handlebars of the balance bike easily without letting go of the ends. Keep in mind that the contact points on the balance bike, such as the handlebars and seat post, are adjustable to accommodate the child's growth. To extend the bike's lifespan, choose a slightly larger balance bike, as kids tend to grow quickly.

When to Transition from a Balance Bike to a Regular Bike?

According to the standard size chart, for children aged between 2 and 3 years old and measuring between 80 and 95 cm, we recommend introducing your toddler to a balance bike. When your child reaches the age of 4 to 6 years old or measures between 95 and 115 cm, it's time to transition your child from a balance bike to a 14-inch bike or a 16-inch bike.

Top Brands for Kids Balance Bikes

  • AVP: The Quebec-based company offers fun balance bikes with a variety of colors for kids. These bikes are easy to use, allowing kids to easily straddle them and propel themselves by pushing or running.
  • Garneau: The Garneau balance bike is a high-quality choice with its low steel frame that's easy to handle and straddle. Founded in Quebec, Garneau manufactures high-performance bikes for all types of cyclists.
  • Trek: Trek offers professionally designed balance bikes to ensure your child's safety on the saddle. Trek strider bikes come with a handle at the back to give your little one a boost without hindering their confidence.

Get bells and accessories for kids' bikes to personalize the bicycles, which is sure to delight your little one. Do you have the right clothing for your child? Explore our wide selection of kids' clothing, including body protection, shorts, reflective clothing, and much more! Don't forget to ride with safety in mind by equipping your child with a kids' bike helmet.

If you have questions about balance bikes, check out the blog section on our website to find our buying guide on how to choose the right bike for your child. Still have questions? Feel free to reach out to us or visit one of our many